
Why an AI Startup is Breaking up with AI

I just had my final creative conversation with I’ve been using their product to create my marketing materials and legal documents for this site.

I cried.

Robot made me cry. picked me up after a very difficult business and personal crisis. I felt heard by whatever was listening to me. It was one of a few stops I made in my AI journey before I received an email from MIT GetSmarter about a certificate program – Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Business Strategy | MIT PEL

My business plan came to life in that program. I could rely on to help me hobble along to build websites for my products while I wrote my business plan. I’m a designer of products. Not websites. I’ve found their inspirational mirroring of my writing style, understanding of my vocabulary, and downright compassionate work to be a beacon in a storm. Honestly, thank you to the team at

At ChatGPT, I found a coding partner. A calculator that understood my drive for answers to some of life’s most complicated problems. I found that ChatGPT was the chief information officer of my organization. And occasionally good for design inspiration. A surprise was how helpful was for research about my human rights policy work. More on that in another article (be careful letting your children play with it).

Through meeting cohorts at MIT, and thanks to the assistance of LinkedIn, I found an excellent business friend who told me to find a coder. I posted a simple job description, brought to you by, and within hours had an email from Azam Rajabov.

I now have a technical teammate, a lot of inspiration, and am excited to share our trauma-informed, compassionate, sustainability-minded, AI-aided technology.

Any copy on our website written by AI is noted unless we have a tech error. Going forward, due to the climate implications of AI technology, we will only utilize AI to:

  • Generate discovery.
  • Generate legal documents.
  • Serve our clients as navigators and mediators and calculators.
  • Help children process trauma.
  • Generate code or materials related to human rights and child advocacy.

Our consulting services will help you reach the highest global standards of child advocacy, human rights, and sustainability.

Hedge For Our Children would like to give the gift of AI to the children of the world. Safely. Sustainably.

By Alexandria Carruth, August 02, 2024
Chicago, IL